Title: A Surgeons Hand
Format: Private Commission (Dr David Yee, Hand Surgeon) QLD Gidgee Wood
Crazy Story!!
Over the past couple of years of carving, I suffered severe Carpel Tunnel Syndrome where I would have no feeling in my hands throughout the day and night. A year ago, I went to a specialist Hand surgeon, Dr David Yee, to get both my wrists cut open to relieve the pressure on the nerves. As you could imagine, I was very anxious about whether I could ever carve again.
As I was being wheeled into the surgery room about to undergo general anaesthetic, Dr Yee starts talking with me about a potential commission for a hand sculpture. So, we start to have a consult on the surgery table (Incredibly surreal moment!). The next thing I can remember is waking up with bandages around my wrists and wondering if it was the drugs?
So, fast forward a year and I had the absolute privilege of being able to carve my wife’s hand for Dr David Yee. My hands have had a full recovery with no more numbness (Thank God and David).